Monday, 3 October 2011
Monday, 12 September 2011
Monday, 1 August 2011
Before you start reading this bear in mind 2 things..
all the document collection work will take you only 3 days.
and you will be given some time to get d documents in d required form(if any mistakes) by TCS.
now let me explain you everything in a open banana put in mouth manner... there are 3 sets of documents
To ensure hassle free documentation work follow the steps as under.. before that you are expected to have knowledge on the annexure you are given
Go to the concerned authorized shop and get a 100rupee stamp paper on your name.
Get a rough set of prints to chek the alignement and any other modifications(requred to get confidence and self-cheking)
Get the document printed without any modifications.. On the bond paper get the matter of the 1st page as stated with proper alignment.. and let the rest of the matter printed on the consecutive sheets and attach them along with bond paper.
Now carefully fill in the blacks as required and sign on the bottom of all pages(you may try a demo on the rough set of prints taken and get it evaluated by an expirenced person for added confidence)
So now you got your service agreement ready
Following are the general doubts i noticed
Should i get it notaried?
Ans: Should not be notraied. Because you will be giving the service agreement on the date which is your date of joining.. it means you have made the agreement on that date.. and if u get it notarised even a day earlier.. the notary’s sign with date causes discrepency.
Is it a problem if i got it notarised already?
Ans: a notary is a means of authenticating your signature. It is a way of telling that this signature is correct and is signed before me. So notary is a seal of trust..hence even if you get it notarised, on the general basis of evaluation TCS considers it as a mark of autheticated signature and still accept your service agreement.
On the surety verification sheet fill in the details in a proper way and attach proper proofs of the surety(proofs which may be submitted are given in the annexure)
Get the verification sheet attested by the concerned authorites(autorities concerned are stated in annexure)
Who can be the surety and further details of the proofs and all were clearly furnished in the annexure.
pan card as the surety verification
IT returns for this year along with PAN get them attested
This is a form which will cover all the possible diseases in the medical dictonary which most of you wont be having.. and few of you might haven’t even heard of.. so just go to a doctor who has a min qualification of M.B.B.S and get it filled.
Complete all personal details and get it SIGNED AND STAMPED by the doctor on the PHOTOGRAPH and LAST PAGE.
In the annexure you can find a side heading “Affidavit/Notarized Undertaking(refer page no __ & __)”. So go to the so and so pages and get that matter carefully printed on the 100 rupee stamp paper.
For the mark of clarity i have take the lines “Whereas I, …., an adult Indian Inhabitant, residing at…….., have been selected by Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. (“TCS”), (blah.. blah.. blah..! till the end of 2nd para which reads) undertaking as part of Background Check Process, which I hereby do:” on the bond paper and continued the rest 6 points on a new consecutive sheet and the next page on another consecutive sheet.
You may try this on plain papers for alignment cheking and demo filling process.
You should get it NOTARISED.
1. TCS Offer Letter and offer acceptance- Self attested(nothing big than just signing it)
2. Joining letter - Self attested.
3. All Mark statements of Class 10th & 12th – Original and 2 copies attested by Gazetted officer.
4. Mark statements for all semesters of Degree/PG – Original and 2 copies attested by Gazetted officer
5. Consolidated mark statement of Degree – Original and 2 copies attested by Gazetted officer
6. Degree Certificate /Provisional Certificate – Original and 2 copies attested by Gazetted officer
7. Relieving letter(if you have previous work experience) – Original and 2 copies attested by Gazetted officer
8. Passport – Original and 2 copies attested by Gazetted officer
9. Pancard – Original and 2 copies attested by Gazetted officer.
Birth Certificate - Original and one copy attested by gazetted officer OR If birth certificate is not available or if it is in local language, Birth Affidavit in English on a Rs. 20 stamp paper – Original
1. Carefully fill in the details of the form and sign at appropriate places.
2. Attach a photograph and also your ADDRESS AND ID PROOF’s duly attested, along with it.
3. Self-attested copy of ID proof – One of these: PAN Card, Passport, Driving License, Voters ID card, College ID Card duly attested by HOD.
4. Self-attested copy of address proof – One of these: Passport, Ration card, Electricity Bill, Landline Telephone Bill, House Lease Agreement.
5. Self-attested and signed documents to explain break (if any) in education - (i) or (ii) or (iii):
(i) Medical records, if the break was due to medical reasons.
(ii) Certificates / Examination results, if the break was due to additional course done.
(iii) Affidavit on a Rs. 20 stamp paper with notary authorization, if the break was due to other personal reasons.
In case your residential address(present/permanent) is Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane City, Thane Rural or, Pune you need to submit Self-attested Criminal Investigation Division (CID) forms for the respective region+supporting documents mentioned within each form. This is in addition to the BGC form.
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
List of Documents needed at the time of Joining
1). All Original Certificates - 10th, +2 , Degree
2). Passport(if available)
3). PAN Card
4). Hard Copy of joining Letter and offer letter
5). Three Passport size and two stamp size color photos
6). Service Agreement on a 100rs stamp paper.With surety signature.
7). Birth Certificate
8). Medical Certificate
9). Acceptance of Joining Letter
2). Passport(if available)
3). PAN Card
4). Hard Copy of joining Letter and offer letter
5). Three Passport size and two stamp size color photos
6). Service Agreement on a 100rs stamp paper.With surety signature.
7). Birth Certificate
8). Medical Certificate
9). Acceptance of Joining Letter
TCS appraisal process for 2011 trainees / freshers
This article is based on the past few years practice as shared by trainees. TCS may change the processes, but this article will give you an idea of the appraisal process through out the IT industry. More or less it is the appraisal process followed in all IT companies like WIPRO, CTS ( Cognizant) , INFOSYS and others
All the associates in TCS are rated on a scale of 0-5, 5 being the highest. your rating generally comes up to 3 decimal places which are rounded off to nearest integer e.g. if your rating is 3.499, it would be considered as 3 and if its 3.500 or 3.501,it would be considered as 4.
In first year, you are quarterly rated, i.e. your performance would be evaluated every 3 months by your immediate supervisor (project leader). Suppose if u join TCS in Oct 2011 at Coimbatore ILP, then your first quarter would be OCT-DEC '11. It has nothing to do with Financial Quarters. So, don't combine the two. You'll get a rating in ILP but it is generally not taken into account when you join a project. Your project leader would rate u according to your performance in his project in every forthcoming quarter. After u complete 1 year, you'll have 4 ratings with u (one from every quarter).
Ideally, as per the guidelines, your confirmation rating should be a weighted average of your quarterly ratings. But in reality, it does not happen in most of the companies. The management has a curve and they follow a process popularly known as Bell Curve. According to that curve, you'll get your confirmation rating. After confirmation, you'll be rated half yearly (H1- Apr to Sept and H2 - Oct to Mar).If u are confirmed in Oct'12, then you'll be facing H2 directly without having your H1 appraisal cycle.
The Bell Curve Factor
Bell Curve: - Suppose there are 100 associates in a particular account in which say 10 projects are in progress. In every project, there are 10 associates and one of them is a project leader (PL). Over every 2-3 projects, there is a Project Manager (PM). And over all Project Managers, there is an account manager (AM). And over account managers, there is Group Leader (GL).
In the mentioned process, GL gives guidelines to all the AMs regarding the ratings to be distributed in their respective accounts. This is transferred to PM and ultimately to PL levels. Suppose, according to guidelines, out of 10 associates in every project, 2 can get a rating of 5, 3 to be given a rating of 4, 4 to be given a rating of 3 and 1 has to be given a rating of 2. This is how it is distributed. Now, PL - PM have to identify who should be put into which slot. This whole process is known as Curve Fitting wherein PMs and PLs are fitting you at a particular location of the curve given by the GL.
There is a difference of around 1100 bugs per month between any two ratings. That means, if you have got a rating of 4, then probably you might get around 3.LPA as your package after confirmation and if you have a rating of 3, you might get 3.76 LPA and so on.
TCS's performance appraisal system is supported by an online system called the Human Resource Management System- an Oracle Developer based tool. The system individual right from his biographical details to his projects performance. An employee's performance history at the click of a button and this accurately maintained for all employees! Right from his entry, an employee in TCS get formal performance feedback once very two months till such time that he is confirmed after which the performance feedback is provided twice every year on a formal basis. TCS however widely encourages informal feedback discussions between Project Leaders and Team Members and this concept has found an overwhelming appeal among the people.
TCS conducts two appraisals:
1. At the end of the year
2. At the end of a project.
Appraisals are based on Balanced Scorecard, which tracks the achievement of employees on the basis of targets at four levels —
learning and growth
The financial perspective quantifies the employee’s contribution in terms of revenue growth, cost reduction, improved asset utilization and so on; The customer perspective looks at the differentiating value proposition offered by the employee; the internal perspective refers to the employee’s contribution in creating and sustaining value; the learning and growth are self-explanatory. The weightage given to each attribute is based on the function the employee performs. Based on their individual achievements, employees are rated on a scale of one to five (five = “superstar”). If employees get a low rating (less than two) in two consecutive
appraisals, the warning flags go up. “If the poor performer continues getting low scores then the exit option may be considered” Over the years TCS has found the pattern that leads to the maximum decline in performance — boredom. If employees work for more than two years on the same project, typically either their performance dips or they leave the organization.
To avoid that, TCS shuffles its employees between projects every 18 months or so. “Performance drops if motivation drops” At the heart of an employee's satisfaction lies the fact that his performance is being appreciated and recognized. TCS's performance management system has metamorphosed into one that emphasizes objectivity and a system that mandates performance evaluation against pre-determined criteria.
What deserve special mention is the active participation of the senior management in the determination of guidelines for the performance appraisal process. The process ensure buy in of the employees since the guidelines for the rating system and its conversion into money terms is not unilaterally decided by HR but is a consensus of a cross functional team with representation from all levels.
The foremost important things to know for a corporate life, Rules:
Guys should be wearing only Full hand type of shirts and tie is a must to the ILP. Communication should be mostly only be in English with the instructors.Instructors are notsupposed to called by sir or more, instead by their name.
Trainees should be maintaining strict timings. Your entry time will be taken into account.
Behavior inside the training centre will be strictly noted. If found without being in a same place, you will be ???.
Trainees will be tested by keeping practical tests now and then.
Each recruit will be provided with a computer. I am not sure about the choice, either with the company or the recruits, but once selected with a computer, you will not be allowed to change your places till the end of your ILP.
Mobiles are not allowed inside the classes.
You have to get your own transport to the ILP Centre. While going home, you can use the transport provided, but only for a short distance. (different for different ILPs)
Internet will be enabled to the recruits with WebSense Firewall. You will be able to access only Google, Wikipedia, and other general sites. General mails such as GMail, Yahoo, etc. will be blocked. WordPress, blogspot, and other general blogging sites are blocked. Rapidshare, hotfile, megaupload, and other file sharing sites are blocked.
You will be getting an email address within the first week. You won’t be allowed for the names. You will only be able to choose the names, which they provide. It might be a combination of your first and last name, and those kind of stuffs, with dots (.) and some numbers. You will be using your mail with a mail client called Lotus Notes.
The trainees who are failing to comply with the above, will be batched again with the next set of trainees.
Regarding the Pre-ILP Test, Test will be in the third day of joining. Test will be of 40 marks with no negative marking in it. Test will have the questions from DBMS, Java, Software and WebTech.
If you don't clear the test you will be put in normal training in spite of fast track ILP of 50 days.
Regarding the batches, there will be 4 to 5 members in each batch with us. It will comprise of bothCS/IT and Non-CS/IT, and the batching will be randomly done. We cannot choose our friends.
Knowledge in Java is important. Problems will be given and we will be expected to write coding using Java. Since it is a teamwork now, we will be able to cope up. But we should be prepared for the test, if not, we will suffer. Life skills classes are also there. So, there are fun activities also.
We are supposed to open a Savings Account and a Current Account. Those people from the bank will help you out to get started on the same day itself. In case if you have your accounts already, make sure that they are only from these supported banks:
1. Kotak Mahindra Bank.
2. Standard Charted Ltd.
3. ICICI Bank Ltd.
4. State Bank of India Ltd.
5. HDFC Bank Ltd.
In a single day, there will be two Lab Sessions and two Life Skills Session.
The Life Skills will have Sessions like Personal Grooming and Oral Communications
You will be getting your Permanent ID cards (the one with the SIM card embedded) within one and a half weeks of joining the ILP.
Some Facts for freshars ILP
Once you are assigned to join a particular Initial Learning Programme (ILP), we shall not be in a position to entertain any requests for change of either the Training location or the dates.
TCSL will not be responsible for the travel arrangements to the Training Centre. Also, the travel expenses will NOT be reimbursed by TCSL.
You will be provided accommodation during your training period.Please note that you will NOT be paid House Rent Allowance (HRA) for your training period.
You have to carry the Originals of all the documents at the Training Centre
Food is available at subsidized rates and expenses towards the same have to be borne by you (the trainees).
TCS ensures that you are intimated of the ILP Joining date at least 20 days in advance
The ILP center mentioned in your Joining Letter is non-negotiable and The ILP dates cannot be rescheduled
The duration of the ILP is nine weeks.
Trainees are given time off after the ILP training and there is a relocation gap of maximum 4 days.
The trainees have to take care of their own travel arrangements. The Second A/C train fare from the ILP Training centre to the respective base branch shall be reimbursed by TCS .
Original as well as the attested documents should be carried to the ILP Centre.The documents can be attested by anyone of the following authorities:
1) Manager of a nationalized bank where the candidate holds an account
2) District Collector of the district in which the candidate resides
3) Gazetted Officers
4) Tehsildar of the village
You can bring Course Completion Certificate issued by the Head or Director in case you do not have the Provisional Certificate. However, this is a temporary arrangement and the Provisional Certificate should be submitted before the completion of the ILP.
You will need to use a Rs. 100 stamp paper ( 100*1 or 50*2 or 20*5) for Service Agreement. The stamp paper has to be purchased in the name of the trainee.
The duration of the Service Agreement is of two years. The agreement has to be signed by only one surety. A Surety can either be an individual who is an Income Tax payee/ possesses landed property.
In case the surety is an Income tax payee, then the Original or attested photocopy of LATEST Form 16else Form 2 D/ IT Returns
If You are not able to arrange a Surety then Submit a Fixed Deposit 'Assigned to Tata Consultancy Services Ltd' in the trainee's name, for an amount of Rs. 50,000/- deposited in any of the nationalized banks.
A birth certificate is a mandatory document. Incase of non availability of the same, trainees are requested to apply for it. As a temporary arrangement trainees may produce anaffidavit on a Rs. 20/-
Stamp paper containing their name, place and date of birth in English . The trainee will have to translate the certificate in English and make an affidavit of the English document.
College Grades according to TCS
All IITs (4 in all) A
VJTI, Mumbai A
MSU, Vadodara, Gujarat A
Nirma Institute of Engineering A
BIT, Mesra, Ranchi A
MIT Manipal A
IIIT Allahabad A
CIT, coimbatore A
Gct, Coimbatore A
PSG, Coimbatore A
TCE, Madurai A
Thapar College A
Jadavpur University A
JNTU Hyderabad A
OUCE Hyderabad A
NIT, Trichy A
MANIT Bhopal A
NIT, Nagpur A
Fr.Agnel,Bandra-Mumbai A
Govt. College of Engg, Pune A
NIT Warangal A
NITK Surathkal A
CUSAT kerala A
VIT University ,Vellore A
Anna University Chennai A
NIT, Kurukshetra A
Walchand College of Engg, Sangli A
USIT , Delhi B
NIT Surat B
SRM ,chennai A
Pondicherry engineering college A
NIT Allahabad A
Sastra,tanjore A
Rollwala, Gujarat University B
Thiagarajar School of Mgmt B
SSGS & IET Naded B
CET bbsr B
Army Institute of Tech, Pune B
Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya B
HBTI, Kanpur B
Banasthali University B
JEC Jabalpur B
DDIT Nadiad B
BEC , Bagalkot ,karnataka B
Biet,Davangere,Karnataka B
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar B
SJCE, Mysore A
KLECET,Belgaum B
FISAT,kerala B
BVBCET, Hubli,Karnataka B
National Institute of Engg, Mysore B
JNNCE , Shimoga, Karnataka B
IET, Indore B
KJ somaiya Mumbai B
RAIT,NERUL(navi mumbai) B
Ujjain Engineering College B
VESIT, Mumbai B
DA-IICT, Gandhinagar A
Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune (BVP) B
Hyderabad Central University A
NIT Durgapur A
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Tech B
UCE, Burla B
NIT Jamshedpur B
AMU, Aligarh UP B
IET lucknow B
IGIT Delhi B
KNIT, Sultanpur B
YMCA, Faridabad B
IEM,Kolkata B
MSRIT, Blore B
NMAMIT nitte B
SIT,Tukmur B
TKM college of engineering B
NIT Jalandhar B
College of Tech, GBPUAT, Pantnagar B
GNDU, Amritsar Punjab B
Netaji Subhash Engg College B
ITER , bhubaneswar B
Amrita engg college, Bangalore B
Amrita School of Egg, kollam,kerala B
Amrita School of Engg, Cbe B
MCE,Hassan,karnataka B
SSIT , Karnataka B
Punjabi University Patiala B
GVP col of engg, Vizag B
SRKR Engineering College B
JNTU,Kakinada,Andhra B
Jaypee UIT C
Terna College of Engg n Tech C
LNMIIT, Jaipur C
IIPS, Indore C
LD College of Enggineering C*
UV Patel COE C
Atmiya Institute Of Tech & Science C
CIT Changa C
LNCT,Bhopal(MP) C*
Bhilai Institute of Tech C*
SATI Vidisha(MP) C*
Rajarshi Shahu College of Engg C
SSGMCE, Shegaon C
Raisoni College, Nagpur C*
SRKNCE,Nagpur C*
G H Patel CET, Anand C
M.H.Saboo siddik COE C*
Mahakal Institute of Technology C*
DY Patil COE, Akurdi C*
KIT Kolhapur C*
RCCIIT, Kolkata C*
Galgotias CET C*
JSSATE, Noida C*
Jamia Milia University C
JIIT Noida C
SVIT- Vasad, Gujarat University C
Hitkarini Coll Of Engg, Jabalpur C
JSSATE, Bangalore C
CMRIT,bangalore C*
Rajagiri Institute Of Engg & Tech C*
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Tech C
Gogte Institute of Tech, Belgaum C*
Vigyans Institute Of Engineering C
MVGR College of Engineering C
CV Raman College Of Engineering C
Dr. BC Roy Engineering College C
NIT, Silchar C
BVRIT(Hyderabad) C*
GNITS, Hyderabad C
PVP Siddhartha Institute of Tech C
VRSEC,Vijayawada C
Sree Vidyanikethan engg college C*
Bapatla Engineering College C*
Engineering College, Kota C
Mody Inst of Science & Tech C*
C-DAC Noida C*
SUSCET, Tangori C*
Technocrats Institute of Tech C
Usha Mittal Institute Of Tech C
GRKIST, Jabalpur C
Priyadarshini college of engg C
YCCE Nagpur C
Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Col Of Engg C
Narula Institue of Technology C*
College Of Engg & Mgmt, Kolaghat C*
Orissa Engg College C*
Haldia Institute Of Technology C*
Asansol engineering College C*
Heritage Institute of Technology C
Techno India,Salt Lake,WB C
FIEM,Kolkata C*
NIST, Berhampur C
Silicon Institute of Tech, Bbsr C*
Integral University, Lucknow C
Shri Ram Murti Smarak CET C
Thakur College of Engg. & Tech, Kandivli C
BIST, Bhopal C
Goa College Of Engineering C
KJSomaiya Institute of Eng & I.T. C
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Tech C
Rungta Cllg of Engg. & Tech. Bhilai C
SIES Graduate School Of Tech C
St. Francis Institute Of Tech C
Medicaps Inst Of Tech. & Mgmt C
Shri Vaishnav Inst of Tech & Science C*
UIT RGPV Bhopal C*
DKTE's Textile & Engg Institute C
RC Patel Institute of Technology C
Datta Megha Colg of Engineering C
RMD Engineering College, Chennai C
MMEC Mullana (Haryana) C
Easwari Engg College C*
Velammal Engineering College C*
MSIT, Kolkata C
Government College Of Engg, Karad C
Assam Engineering College C*
Cresent engineering college, chennai C*
Engineering College, Ajmer C
Govt Coll of Engg TN C
BIT Sindri, dhanbad C
Techno India Hoogly C
Utkal University C
Jorhat Engineering College C
Alagappa Chettiar Coll of Engg & Tech C
NSS Colg Of Engineering C
Adi Shankara Institute of Engg & Tech C
AIT, Chikmanglur C
Amal Jyoti College of Engineering C
Model Engineering College C
IEC Greater Noida C
GCET, Jammu C
GLAITM Mathura C
JMIT, Radaur C
CITM, Faridabad C
Bengal Institute of Technology C
SIT,siliguri C
NIEC,Lucknow C
SIR CR REDDY college C
Lakireddy Bali Reddy coll. of engg. C
Engineering College, Bikaner C
ITM, Gurgaon C
Government college of engg, Salem C
VLB Janakiammal Col of Engg n Tech C
Birbhum Institute Of Engg & Tech C
University Institute of Technology C
Mallabhum Institute of Technology C
BBDNITM, Lucknow C
TRUBA, Bhopal C
Krupajal Engineering College, Bbsr C
Shri krishna college of engg and tech C
Apeejay School of Engineering C
LBS Institute of Management C
Sant Longowal IET C
Jagan Institute of Management studies C
Management Education n Research Inst C
Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, IPU C
IIIM Jaipur C
Vel Tech Engineering College, Chennai C
Guru Nanak Institute Of Technology C
Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engg C
National Engineering College, Kovilpatti C
Rajalakshmi Engg Coll, Chennai C
Sri Sairam Engineering college, chennai C
KITS, Warangal C
Hindustan College of Science and Tech C
Noida Institute Of Engineering and Tech C
Anand Engineering College C
Pragati Engg College, Kakinada C
Noorul Islam College of Engg C
LIET Alwar C
Poornima College of Engineering C
Govt. Engg. College, Udaipur C
BCET,Durgapur C
Adhi Parasakthi Engineering College C
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg Col C
St.Joseph's college of Engineering C
Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar COE C
M Kumarasamy Coll of Engg C
RGCET, Pondicherry C
SMVEC, Puducherry C
Vel Multi Tech SRS Engineering College C
VJTI, Mumbai A
MSU, Vadodara, Gujarat A
Nirma Institute of Engineering A
BIT, Mesra, Ranchi A
MIT Manipal A
IIIT Allahabad A
CIT, coimbatore A
Gct, Coimbatore A
PSG, Coimbatore A
TCE, Madurai A
Thapar College A
Jadavpur University A
JNTU Hyderabad A
OUCE Hyderabad A
NIT, Trichy A
MANIT Bhopal A
NIT, Nagpur A
Fr.Agnel,Bandra-Mumbai A
Govt. College of Engg, Pune A
NIT Warangal A
NITK Surathkal A
CUSAT kerala A
VIT University ,Vellore A
Anna University Chennai A
NIT, Kurukshetra A
Walchand College of Engg, Sangli A
USIT , Delhi B
NIT Surat B
SRM ,chennai A
Pondicherry engineering college A
NIT Allahabad A
Sastra,tanjore A
Rollwala, Gujarat University B
Thiagarajar School of Mgmt B
SSGS & IET Naded B
CET bbsr B
Army Institute of Tech, Pune B
Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya B
HBTI, Kanpur B
Banasthali University B
JEC Jabalpur B
DDIT Nadiad B
BEC , Bagalkot ,karnataka B
Biet,Davangere,Karnataka B
KIIT University, Bhubaneswar B
SJCE, Mysore A
KLECET,Belgaum B
FISAT,kerala B
BVBCET, Hubli,Karnataka B
National Institute of Engg, Mysore B
JNNCE , Shimoga, Karnataka B
IET, Indore B
KJ somaiya Mumbai B
RAIT,NERUL(navi mumbai) B
Ujjain Engineering College B
VESIT, Mumbai B
DA-IICT, Gandhinagar A
Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune (BVP) B
Hyderabad Central University A
NIT Durgapur A
Sikkim Manipal Institute of Tech B
UCE, Burla B
NIT Jamshedpur B
AMU, Aligarh UP B
IET lucknow B
IGIT Delhi B
KNIT, Sultanpur B
YMCA, Faridabad B
IEM,Kolkata B
MSRIT, Blore B
NMAMIT nitte B
SIT,Tukmur B
TKM college of engineering B
NIT Jalandhar B
College of Tech, GBPUAT, Pantnagar B
GNDU, Amritsar Punjab B
Netaji Subhash Engg College B
ITER , bhubaneswar B
Amrita engg college, Bangalore B
Amrita School of Egg, kollam,kerala B
Amrita School of Engg, Cbe B
MCE,Hassan,karnataka B
SSIT , Karnataka B
Punjabi University Patiala B
GVP col of engg, Vizag B
SRKR Engineering College B
JNTU,Kakinada,Andhra B
Jaypee UIT C
Terna College of Engg n Tech C
LNMIIT, Jaipur C
IIPS, Indore C
LD College of Enggineering C*
UV Patel COE C
Atmiya Institute Of Tech & Science C
CIT Changa C
LNCT,Bhopal(MP) C*
Bhilai Institute of Tech C*
SATI Vidisha(MP) C*
Rajarshi Shahu College of Engg C
SSGMCE, Shegaon C
Raisoni College, Nagpur C*
SRKNCE,Nagpur C*
G H Patel CET, Anand C
M.H.Saboo siddik COE C*
Mahakal Institute of Technology C*
DY Patil COE, Akurdi C*
KIT Kolhapur C*
RCCIIT, Kolkata C*
Galgotias CET C*
JSSATE, Noida C*
Jamia Milia University C
JIIT Noida C
SVIT- Vasad, Gujarat University C
Hitkarini Coll Of Engg, Jabalpur C
JSSATE, Bangalore C
CMRIT,bangalore C*
Rajagiri Institute Of Engg & Tech C*
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Tech C
Gogte Institute of Tech, Belgaum C*
Vigyans Institute Of Engineering C
MVGR College of Engineering C
CV Raman College Of Engineering C
Dr. BC Roy Engineering College C
NIT, Silchar C
BVRIT(Hyderabad) C*
GNITS, Hyderabad C
PVP Siddhartha Institute of Tech C
VRSEC,Vijayawada C
Sree Vidyanikethan engg college C*
Bapatla Engineering College C*
Engineering College, Kota C
Mody Inst of Science & Tech C*
C-DAC Noida C*
SUSCET, Tangori C*
Technocrats Institute of Tech C
Usha Mittal Institute Of Tech C
GRKIST, Jabalpur C
Priyadarshini college of engg C
YCCE Nagpur C
Bhartiya Vidyapeeth Col Of Engg C
Narula Institue of Technology C*
College Of Engg & Mgmt, Kolaghat C*
Orissa Engg College C*
Haldia Institute Of Technology C*
Asansol engineering College C*
Heritage Institute of Technology C
Techno India,Salt Lake,WB C
FIEM,Kolkata C*
NIST, Berhampur C
Silicon Institute of Tech, Bbsr C*
Integral University, Lucknow C
Shri Ram Murti Smarak CET C
Thakur College of Engg. & Tech, Kandivli C
BIST, Bhopal C
Goa College Of Engineering C
KJSomaiya Institute of Eng & I.T. C
Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Tech C
Rungta Cllg of Engg. & Tech. Bhilai C
SIES Graduate School Of Tech C
St. Francis Institute Of Tech C
Medicaps Inst Of Tech. & Mgmt C
Shri Vaishnav Inst of Tech & Science C*
UIT RGPV Bhopal C*
DKTE's Textile & Engg Institute C
RC Patel Institute of Technology C
Datta Megha Colg of Engineering C
RMD Engineering College, Chennai C
MMEC Mullana (Haryana) C
Easwari Engg College C*
Velammal Engineering College C*
MSIT, Kolkata C
Government College Of Engg, Karad C
Assam Engineering College C*
Cresent engineering college, chennai C*
Engineering College, Ajmer C
Govt Coll of Engg TN C
BIT Sindri, dhanbad C
Techno India Hoogly C
Utkal University C
Jorhat Engineering College C
Alagappa Chettiar Coll of Engg & Tech C
NSS Colg Of Engineering C
Adi Shankara Institute of Engg & Tech C
AIT, Chikmanglur C
Amal Jyoti College of Engineering C
Model Engineering College C
IEC Greater Noida C
GCET, Jammu C
GLAITM Mathura C
JMIT, Radaur C
CITM, Faridabad C
Bengal Institute of Technology C
SIT,siliguri C
NIEC,Lucknow C
SIR CR REDDY college C
Lakireddy Bali Reddy coll. of engg. C
Engineering College, Bikaner C
ITM, Gurgaon C
Government college of engg, Salem C
VLB Janakiammal Col of Engg n Tech C
Birbhum Institute Of Engg & Tech C
University Institute of Technology C
Mallabhum Institute of Technology C
BBDNITM, Lucknow C
TRUBA, Bhopal C
Krupajal Engineering College, Bbsr C
Shri krishna college of engg and tech C
Apeejay School of Engineering C
LBS Institute of Management C
Sant Longowal IET C
Jagan Institute of Management studies C
Management Education n Research Inst C
Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies, IPU C
IIIM Jaipur C
Vel Tech Engineering College, Chennai C
Guru Nanak Institute Of Technology C
Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engg C
National Engineering College, Kovilpatti C
Rajalakshmi Engg Coll, Chennai C
Sri Sairam Engineering college, chennai C
KITS, Warangal C
Hindustan College of Science and Tech C
Noida Institute Of Engineering and Tech C
Anand Engineering College C
Pragati Engg College, Kakinada C
Noorul Islam College of Engg C
LIET Alwar C
Poornima College of Engineering C
Govt. Engg. College, Udaipur C
BCET,Durgapur C
Adhi Parasakthi Engineering College C
Meenakshi Sundararajan Engg Col C
St.Joseph's college of Engineering C
Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar COE C
M Kumarasamy Coll of Engg C
RGCET, Pondicherry C
SMVEC, Puducherry C
Vel Multi Tech SRS Engineering College C
Our package is declared to be 3.16 lacs.
This makes Rs. 26,333 per month.
We will get around Rs. 22,000 in hand after deductions and all.(liable to vary).
Income Tax rates:
From April 1, 2010 new tax slabs apply, which are as follows:
No income tax is applicable on all income up to Rs. 1,60,000 per year.
From 1,60,001 to 5,00,000 : 10% of amount greater than Rs. 1,60,000
From 5,00,001 to 8,00,000 : 20% of amount greater than Rs. 5,00,000 + 34,000
Above 8,00,000 : 30% of amount greater than Rs. 8,00,000 + 94,000
Our Salary Taxation
We are getting a salary of 3.16 lacks.
Till 1.6 lacks.. there is no tax..
After that according Section 80C of INCOME TAX you may save 1,00,000 without paying tax... by showing some savings... for one lack..
its now 2.6 lacks.. so only 50,000 is renaming .. in that if u keep some Bills for HRA.. which for 60,000 there is no need to pay tax at all...
so be clever at taxation.. our financial year starts from this April to March end..
Section 80C Deductions
Section 80C of the Income Tax Act [1] allows certain investments and expenditure to be tax-exempt. The total limit under this section is Rs. 100,000 (Rupees One lac)
Deductions from your salary
A amount of Rs. 1,500 will be deducted from your salary .. and TCS will add 1000 for that and save its as Provident Fund.
So monthly TCS is saving Rs. 2500 for you.
you can get this money while you resign the job or at the time of retirement.
If you want increase the savings you can go for VPF- voluntary provident fund
interest for PF is 8%..
Save Income Tax in India
Income up to Rupees one lac and sixty thousand need not pay any tax under the Income Tax Act in India. Other whose income falls on the slabs are required to pay the percentage of Tax as specified.
1.Save Income Tax in India through House rent allowance:- If a portion of the Salary is paid as House Rent allowance and the person is staying in a rented house and paying rent, he could produce the rent receipt. In such cases the person is eligible for deduction from the source to the extent of rent paid for the year or the House rent paid whichever is less.
2. Savings through , Provident Fund, Life Insurance Schemes, Post Office savings
3. Save Income Tax in India through Home Loans:- A person who has availed loan for house construction is eligible for deduction of Rs.1,50,000 towards payment of interest on housing loans. The person is also eligible for a rebate of Rs.1,00000 on the principal. However the house should be self occupied.
4. Infrastructure Bonds : The amount investment made on infrastructure bond is eligible for exemption under Income Tax in India.
5. Interest paid on education Loan - A person can claim deduction on the interest paid on the loans taken for Higher education for self, spouse and children. There is no limit on the deduction, however the loan taken should be at Graduation level, Post Graduation level in Engineering, Medicine etc.,
6. Donations paid to Charitable Institutions- Donations paid to Charitable institutions are also entitled for saving Income Tax in India.
7. Transport Allowance : A person eligible for exemption Transport Allowance of Rs.9600/- per annual under Income Tax in India.
8. Medical Allowance- A person can claim up to Rs.15,000 annual rebate towards expenditure on medical for self or dependent's under the Income Tax in India.
and know about various savings schemes :
NATIONAL saving in post office where you will get approx 8% interest
Voluntary provident fund in TCS with approx 8% interest.. you can save 80 of your basic pay in VPF...
Then fixed deposit
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